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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Incident/Fraud Prevention and Response Platform for Enterprise eDiscovery and GRC

This post announcing a new incident management platform may seem like a bit of stretch for an eDiscovery Blog. However, with the convergence of eDiscovery and Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), Incident/Fraud Prevention and Response and managing the process of Digital Forensics within the enterprise is actually a topic, technology and business processes that everyone involved with eDiscovery within the enterprise needs to start paying attention to.

Therefore I thought that it was appropriate to announce the release of release of version 3.0 of the IncMan Suite from DFLabs in Italy. The IncMan Suite contains IncMan Module, Digital Investigation Manager (DIM) and ITILity Help Desk Module to enable an organization to quickly and easily catalog every security incident from detection and mitigation to closure. It appears to be a really great solution for any organization that needs this functinoality but isn't ready or doesn't have the resources to install one of the legacy solutions. IncMan is definitely a really great example of the new breed of Web based applications (SaaS) that are going to give enterprise decision makers reason to upgrade from the bulky and expensive legacy systems that they have used in the past. It's just about time.

Raju Shanbhag, a TMCnet Contributor wrote an excellent intorductory overview of IncMan on the site on Febraury 23, 2010. The full text of the from Raju Shanbhag article is as follows:

Managing information security incidents is a huge task for any company. DFLabs is looking to make this task simpler and easier to handle with the release of version 3.0 of the IncMan Suite. With the help of this solution, companies can manage information security incidents, within a single framework.

Companies need to adhere to their information security strategies to ensure business security. The information security involves many areas such as Incident/Fraud Prevention and Response, Digital Forensics, e-discovery, Litigation Support etc.

The complete version of the DFLabs’ IncMan Suite contains IncMan Module, Digital Investigation Manager (DIM) and ITILity Help Desk Module. It contains three modules that can operate both autonomously and integrated. Also, to catalog every security incident from detection and mitigation to closure and report generation, IncMan module is presented as an integrated component.

“We are particularly proud of the development effort that went into this latest release of our IncMan Suite,” declared Dario Forte, CEO and Founder of DFLabs. “Thanks to this new arsenal of tools, CIO, CISO, Incident Responders and Forensics Examiners, are now better equipped to respond to cyber-security incidents, precisely assessing the costs involved, documenting every detail for legal and audit purposes, and guaranteeing an unassailable Chain of Custody.”

DFLabs’ IncMan Suite ensures the compliance with standards such as IODEF (RFC 5070). It enables the investigator to catalog and manage all information related to a breach of security incident. DIM, the Digital Investigation Manager, is the forensic and evidence management module. With the help of Chain of Custody details and interactions with authorities, this component manages images from the forensic duplication of the memory, photographic catalog, log files.

In November 2009, eDiscovery Solutions Group entered into a partnership with DFLabs to provide a wide range of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and eDiscovery consulting, services and technology for eDiscovery Solutions Group clients throughout the world. Also, other partners from the eDiscovery Solutions Group consortium will enable DFLabs to expand its GRC and eDiscovery offering.

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